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One Word Substitution Chart In English

  • Something which is not thorough or profound. – Superficial
  • A house for storing grains. – Granary
  • A light sailing boat built especially for racing. – Yacht
  • The original inhabitants of a country. – Aborigines
  • A short stay at a place. – Sojourn
  • Opposed to great or sudden change. – Conservative
  • Relationship by blood or birth. – Consanguinity
  • A person living permanently in a certain place. – Domicile
  • Anything written in a letter after it is signed. – Postscript
  • To cause troops etc to spread out in readiness for battle. – Deploy (फैलाना)
  • Winding sheet of a corpse. – Shroud (कफ़न)
  • According to custom. – Customary
  • Abnormally high blood pressure. – Hypertension
  • Art of beautiful handwriting. – Calligraphy
  • All the customs and beliefs of a society. – Tradition
  • Art or craft needing skill with hand. – Handicraft
  • Art of growing vegetables, fruit, flowers. – Horticulture
  • Art of map making. – Cartography
  • Art and science of building construction. – Architecture
  • Style of speaking well. – Elocution (वाकपुटता)
  • An author’s explanatory remarks at the beginning of a book. – Preface
  • Bearing young by eggs. – Oviparous (अण्डज)
  • Bearing living young. – Viviparous (सजीव बच्चा)
  • Belief not based on reason or knowledge. – Superstition
  • Belonging to long past. – Ancient
  • A board of directors in a company. – Directorate
  • A body of voters. – Electorate
  • A brief account of a subject. – Summary
  • Capable of being wounded. – Vulnerable
  • Care taken in advance to avoid a risk. – Precaution (सतर्कता)
  • A chief character in a story or drama. – Protagonist
  • A collection of poems or prose. – Anthology
  • In sufficient feeding or nourishing. – Malnutrition (कुपोषण)
  • Favourable to health. – Wholesome
  • A conference for discussion on a subject. – Symposium
  • A list of household goods, furniture etc. – Inventory
  • Loss of memory. – Amnesia
  • A small umbrella. – Parasol
  • An infectious disease in back of the throat. – Diphtheria
  • The practice of worshiping statues as gods. – Idolatory (मूर्तिपूजा)
  • Criticising popular beliefs or established customs and ideas. – Iconoclastic
  • A place where government/ public records are kept. – Archive
  • To much official formality. – Red Tapism
  • That which lasts for a short time. – Transitory (क्षणिक)
  • Constant efforts to achieve something. – Perseverance (परिश्रम)
  • An occasion of great importance. – Momentous
  • To have a very high opinion of oneself. – Conceited (घमंडी)
  • One who is given to pleasures of the flesh. – Epicurean
  • A person who enjoys food and drink of high quality and knows a lot about it. – Epicure
  • The sound of a funeral bell. – Knell
  • Belief that war and violence are unjustified. – Pacifism
  • A group of girls. – Bevy
  • Military waking signal sounded in the morning.Reveille
  • A music of highest voice. – Soprano
  • A song to put babies to sleep. – Lullaby
  • A hymn or song, sacred song sung in praise of God. – Anthem
  • A sea abounding in islands. – Archipelago (टापुओं का समुदाय)
  • A short walk for pleasure or exercise. – Stroll
  • To move along with quick, short twistings. – Wriggle (शरीर ऐठना)
  • One who possesses many talents. – Versatile
  • A dramatic performance. – Masque (तमासा)
  • A person who is skilled in horsemanship. – Equestrian
  • Extreme of old age when a man behaves like a fool. – Dotage
  • That can be felt or touched. – Palpable
  • One who has suddenly gained new wealth, power or prestige. – Parvenu
  • A short journey made by a group of persons together. – Excursion
  • One who thinks that human nature is essentially evil. – Cynic
  • A style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge. – Pedantic
  • A person pretending to be somebody he is not. – Impostor
  • One who specialises in the study of birds. – Ornithologist
  • To mediate between two parties in a dispute. – Intercede

One Word Substitution In Hindi

  • Incapable of being repaired. – Irreparable
  • Incapable of being avoided. – Unavoidable/ inevitable
  • Incapable of being explained or accounted for. – Inexplicable
  • Incapable of being expressed in words. – Inexpressible
  • Not definitely or clearly expressed. – Inexplicity
  • Incapable of being justified or excused. – Inexcusable
  • Incapable of being solved. –  Insoluble
  • Incapable of being defended. – Indefensible
  • Incapable of being taken by force of arms. – Impregnable  (अजेय)
  • Incapable of being admitted or allowed. – Inadmissible
  • Incapable of being reached. – Inaccessible
  • Incapable of being tired out. –  Inexhaustible
  • Incapable of being perceived by the senses. – Imperceptible
  • Incapable of being destroyed. – Indestructible
  • Incapable of being divided. –  Indivisible
  • Liable to be easily broken. – Brittle
  • An assembly of worshippers. – Congregation
  • Occurring at the same time. – Simulataneous
  • Allowing the passage of rays of light. – Transparent
  • Not allowing the passage of light. – Opaque
  • Of unknown or unadmitted authorship. – Anonymous (गुमनाम)
  • Compulsory enlistment for military and other service. – Conscription  (फौज में अनिवार्य भर्ती)
  • A figure with many angles or sides. – Polygon
  • Belonging to all parts of the world. – Universal
  • The science of reasoning. – Logic
  • The cessation of warfare before a treaty is signed. – Armistice (युद्व विराम)
  • Signature of someone’s name without his permission. – Forgery (जालसाजी)
  • Property inherited from one’s father or ancestors. – Patrimony
  • Incapable of being overcome. – Insurmountable (अजेय)
  • Having no beginning or end to its existence. – Eternal
  • His motive was merely to get money. – Mercenary
  • Forbidden, prohibited by law. – Illicit
  • Fond of entertaining guests. – Hospitable
  • A general pardon of political offenders. – Amnesty (सामूहिक क्षमादान)
  • Object possessed of life. –  Animate (जानदार)
  • Persons who work in the same department of an office. – Colleagues
  • A place where people lunch on payment. – Restaurant
  • A place with a good climate for invalids. – Sanatorium (स्वास्थय निवास)
  • One who is qualified to navigate an aircraft. – Navigator
  • To increase the speed of. –  Accelerate
  • Allowance due to a wife from her husband on separation. – Alimony
  • The act of talking impiously about sacred things. – Blasphemy  (धर्म की  निंदा)
  • A man or woman with skin and hair of auburn colour. – Blonde (खूबसूरत लड़की)
  • Wishful  and persistent resistance to lawful authority. – Contumacy (अखड़पन)
  • Belonging or pertaining to an individual from birth. – Congenital 
  • To restrain by force or impel a person by force. – Coerce (धमकाना)
  • Eater of flesh. – Carnivore
  • Income just sufficient to live on. – Subsistence
  • One who prescribe medicine. – Physician
  • Total loss of voice. – Aphonia
  • To do away with a rule. – Abrogate
  • To make thin or fine or to reduce the strength. – Attentuate
  • Deviation from the common rule or standard. – Anomaly  (अनियमित )
  • A person who starves the body for the good of the soul. – Ascetic    (संन्यासी)
  • Animals equally at home on land or at sea. – Amphibian
  • Stealthily done. – Surreptitious (कपट)
  • One not concerned with right or wrong. – Amoral
  • A person who opposes war or use of military. – Pacifist
  • Severely abusive writing in journals. – Scurrilous (अशिस्ट लेख)
  • Call upon God or any other power ( like law) etc for help or protection. – Invocation (प्रार्थना)
  • Fear of being enclosed in a small closed space. – Claustrophobia
  • Fear of crowds. – Agoraphobia
  • Mental derangement. – Paranoia
  • Succession of rulers belonging to one family. – Dynasty
  • To cut something into two pieces. – Sever
  • Act of deceiving somebody in order to make money. – Fraud
  • Something capable of being done. – Feasible 
  • One who walks on ropes. – Acrobat
  • The study of the origin and history of words. – Etymology
  • To study of maps. – Cartography
  • Tough tissues in joints. – Ligaments
  • Building in which dead bodies are kept for a time. – Mortuary
  • One who believes that gaining pleasure is the most important thing in life. – Hedonist (सुख के लिए जीना)
  • A person who has no understanding for arts/ uncivilized person. – Philistine (गवार)
  • One who breaks the  established traditions and image. – Iconoclast
  • A person having deep study in a language. – Philologist
  • One who resists to the end. – Diehard
  • Diehard, believer and supporter of some religion, cause or political ideology. – Fanatic
  • Wild and noisy disorder. – Pandemonium 
  • Property handed down after the death of a person. – Legacy  (वसीयत की  वस्तु)
  • Placing a thing beside another. – Juxtapose (आस पास रखना)
  • Expert in the scientific study of skin diseases. – Dermatologist
  • Of very bad morals; characterised by debasement or degeneration. – Depraved
  • Body of human being or animal enabled for burial.
  • The abandonment of one’s country or cause. – Desertion
  • Treatment by means of exercise and massage. – Physiotherapy
  • Bitter and violent attack in words. – Diatribe (कड़ी आलोचना)
  • To be biased against. – Prejudiced (हानिकारक)
  • To examine one’s own thoughts and feelings. – Introspection
  • A small enclosure for cattle, sheep, poultry etc. – Fold 
  • Large scale departure of people. – Exodus (निर्गमन)
  • A sudden rush of wind. – Storm
  • A man of odd habits. – Eccentric (असाधारण)
  • Lack of enough blood in the body. – Anaemia
  • Mania for stealing articles. – Kleptomania
  • A child of unusual or remarkable talent. – Precocious
  • Belief that God is in everything and that everything is God. – Pantheism
  • The state of being miserable, bereft of all possessions. – Destitute (निसहाय)
  • That which cannot be called back. – Irredeemable
  • One who journeys from place to place. – Itinerant
  • Commencement of adjacent words with the same letter. – Alliteration (अनुप्रास)
  • A specialist who tests eyesight. – Ophthalmologist
  • A wall built to prevent the sea or a river form flooding an area. – Embankment
  • Something that is poisonous or unhealthy. – Trivial 
  • A person who is inactive. – Torpid
  • Relating to tragedy. – Tragic

One Word Substitution A To Z

  • A cessation of active use of arms signifying a short period of truce. – Armistice ( युद्ध विराम )
  • A mechanic or craftsman who has acquired skill in a particular craft. – Artisan
  • A government by officials. – Bureaucracy
  • A man who is a great lover of books. – Biblophile
  • The state of having two wives. – Bigamy
  • Belonging to a class between the gentry and the labourers. – Bourgeois
  • Socially unconventional, a man of free and easy habits. – Bohemian (कला को नए ढंग से प्रस्तुत करना)
  • One who readily believes everything and everyone. – Credulous
  • A citizen of the world. – Cosmopolitan
  • A man who is recovering from an illness. – Convalescent 
  • The state of being without a wife; abstaining from marital relationship. – Celibacy
  • Centre of attraction or interest. –  Cynosure ( आकर्षण केंद्र )
  • A person who really understands the value of art, antiques etc. – Connoisseur
  • Hundred in Anniversary. – Centenary
  • Any language in speaking only. – Colloquialism
  • To seize by authority. – Confiscate (जब्त करना)
  • To give someone something to make good for loss or damage. – Compensate 
  • Reaching the final or the highest point. – Consummation (समाप्ति)
  • A man who has lots of investments in the private sector. – Capitalist (पूंजीपति / महाजन)
  • A ruler or boss who uses force in order to make people obey him. – Dictator ( तानाशाह )
  • One who is engaged in the diplomatic service of a country. – Diplomat ( राजनीतिज )
  • Nature of double dealing. – Duplicity (कपट)
  • A person who fails in the performance of his duty or commits an offence. – Deliquent (दोषी)
  • Fruit or sweet-dish usually eaten after the main meals. – Dessert
  • A dabbler in the arts and literature. – Dilerttante (नवसिखुआ)
  • The state of being miserable bereft of all material possessions. – Destitution (अभाव)
  • A democratic orator. – Demagogue (भड़काने वाला वक्ता)
  • The inability of a person to shun alcoholic drinks. – Dipsomania (नसे की आदत)
  • Something regularly found among a particular people or community. – Endemic
  • A person who likes to indulge in refined sensuous pleasure. – Epicure (सुख में लिप्त)
  • To remove all traces of. – Eradicate (नष्ट करना)
  • A professor who has retired from service.- Emeritus
  • An usual bent of mind. – Eccentricity (व्यवहार में विचित्रता)
  • One who is always seeking to escape from the harsh realities of life. – Escapist 
  • To quicken the completion of work. – Expedite (जल्दी करना)
  • To free from the confines of something to liberate form. – Emancipate (मुक्त करना)
  • A short by pithy and weightly saying, a short witty phrase. – Epigram (चुटकला या छोटी कविता)
  • Substitution of a mild for a very blunt expression. – Euphemism (मंगल भाषण)
  • That which is all inclusive. – Exhaustive (थकाने वाला)
  • Not refined and fluent but full of jerky movements. – Erratic (सनकी)
  • A state of mental weariness form of occupation. – Ennui (ऊब जाना)
  • To make atonement for one’s sin. – Expiate (पाप से छुटकारा)
  • Words or phrases inscribed on a perosn’s tomb. – Epitaph
  • A person authorised to execute a legal deed. – Executor
  • One who is subject to failure or to committing mistakes. – Fallible 
  • The animals of particular region or epoch. – Fauna
  • A man with narrow and prejudiced religious views. – Fanatic (कट्टर)
  • One who cannot be easily pleased. – Fastidious
  • As opposed to realistic, imagined not real. – Fictitious  (मनगढ़त)
  • Tendency to grow downwards. – Geotropism (अधोमुख बढ़ने की परवर्ती)
  • Act of killing one’s clan, family or community. – Genocide (नरसंहार)
  • A connoisseur of wines and table delicacies. – Gourmet (अच्छा भोजन व् शराब)
  • The act of killing a human being. – Homicide
  • One who lives in seclusion with thoughts of God. – Hermit (साधु) 
  • One who is not orthodox. – Heterodox  (नास्तिक)
  • A gesture of respect and devotion. – Homage (श्रदांजलि)
  • That which cannot be broken through. – Impregnable (दुर्जेय)
  • That which can be easily understood. – Intelligible
  • That which is most likely to happen in future. – Imminent
  • One who cannot be soothed or calmed or near pacified. – Implacable 
  • That which cannot be put into practice. – Impracticable
  • That which cannot be easily imitated or copied. –  Inimitable 
  • That which cannot be defeated. – Invincible
  • A personal peculiarity of temperament or constitution. – Idiosyncrasy (मानसिक अवस्था)
  • A man who is easily irritated and loses temper. – Irritable (शीघ्र  गुस्सा होने  वाला)
  • A disease in which a man suffers from sleeplessness. – Insomnia
  • Ascribing or attributing to something or someone. – Imputation (दोषारोपण)
  • A decision which cannot be changed or modified. – Irrevocable
  • Produced or manufactured within the country without foreign aid or collaboration. – Indigenous
  • A deceptive appearance, statement or belief. – Illusion
  • Use of language or gesture which implies threat to someone. – Intimidation (धमकी)
  • The act of provoking and goading a man. – Instigation (बढ़ावा देना)
  • Something which provides interest and attraction. – Incentive
  • A subtle allusive and generally deprecatory remark. – Innuendo
  • Something that is too delightful or beautiful for words. – Ineffable
  • A man who has no money. – Impecunious
  • Ill timed circumstances. –  Irony
  • A person who is well versed in law. – Jurist
  • An excessively morbid desire to steal. – Kleptomania (चोरी करने की आदत)
  • Technical knowledge of a particular work.  Know how
  • Extremely extravagant in manners and morals.  Licentious (अनैतिक)
  • A hater of mankind. – Misanthrope
  • A hater of women. –  Misogynist
  • A man who has only one wife. – Monogamist
  • Belonging to this world, earthly. – Mundane
  • One who plays the role of bringing two antagonistic parties together. – Mediator
  • A change that befalls something. – Mutation
  • One who believes in the philosophy that nothing has real existence. – Nihilist
  • A quick remedy or apartent medicine or similarly a pet scheme. – Nostrum (गुप्त औषधि)
  • Science and study that treats of coins as medals. – Numismatics
  • To banish or turn out of society and fellowship. – Ostracise
  • The art of spelling words correctly. – Orthography
  • The science of language. – Philology
  • Science  dealing with stamp-collection. – Philately
  • Science of vocal natural sounds. – Phonology
  • To make evasive or misleading statements. – Prevaricate (गुमा कर बोलना)
  • Statement showing remarkable degree of prediction. – Prophecy
  • Study of ancient writings and inscriptions. – Palaeography (शिलालेखों का अध्ययन)
  • A passage marking the close of a speech. – Peroration (उपसंहार)
  • A man who practises psychiatry. – Psychiatrist (मनोचिकित्सा)
  • A school teacher or a man affecting learning. – Pedagogue (अध्यापक)
  • Some previous example from the past. – Precedent
  • A child born after the death of his father. – Posthumous
  • A book published after the death of its author. – Posthumous
  • One who makes love now to one and now to another. – Philanderer (इश्कबाज)
  • Original model. – Prototype 
  • Former holder of an office or a position. – Predecessor (पूर्व अधिकारी)
  • To mediate; to pander over a question. – Reminate (विचार विमर्श  करना)
  • To give up entirely. – Renounce (छोड़ना)
  • To restore to good condition. – Rehabilitation (पुनर्वासन)
  • A person who refuses compliance with. – Recalcitrant (अड़ियल)
  • That which reminds one of something. – Reminiscent
  • A symbolic religious ceremony especially baptism. – Sacrament
  • Someone on whom the blame for other’s sin can be fixed. – Scapegoat  (बलिदान का बकरा)
  • Abounding in blood. – Sanguine   (उत्साहयुक्त)
  • Over bearing. – Supercilious  (गुस्सेवाला)
  • A person who flatters others for personal motives. – Sycophant ( चापलुस )
  • Affectedly and pompously formal person or style. – Sententious
  • That which surpasses. – Transcendental ( गुप्त )
  • Guilty of accepting bribes extremely mercenary. – Venal (धन लोभी)
  • Extreme enthusiasm for a cause. – Zeal (  जोश )
  • A person who is indifferent to pleasure or pain. –  Stoic (सुख – दुःख सामान समझने वाला)
  • A person who spends his money recklessly. – Spendthrift
  • A person sent an a mission. – Emissary
  • Incapable of being penetrated. – Impenetrable (अभेद्य)
  • Incapable of being wound or hurt. –  Invulnerable 

One word Substitution Meaning In Hindi

  • Ceremony of crowning a king. – Coronation ( राज्यभिषक )
  • A chain of flowers, leaves, ribbons etc. – Festoon
  • Change in direction. – Diversion
  • Change to something abnormal, unnatural. –  Perversion  ( पथभृष्ट )
  • Child of unusual or remarkable talent. – Prodigy ( पर्तिभासंपन बालक )
  • Chief actor or character in a story or drama. – Protagonist
  • Habitual character and disposition. – Ethos ( लोकाचार )
  • Using of new words. – Neologism
  • One who holds that nothing is or can be known of the existence of God. – Agnostic
  • To destroy completely. –  Annihilate
  • That which is open to more than one interpretation. – Ambiguous  (संदेह युक्त )
  • Capable of living both on land and water. – Amphibious
  • In a state of mutual hostility. – Antagonistic  ( विरोधी )
  • Neutral party called upon to settle a dispute without reference to any other party. –  Arbiter ( पंच )              
  • A government by one man. – Autocracy
  • That which cannot be easily imitated or copied. – Inimitable
  • Kind of substance in the blood tending to neutralise other that are harmful. – Antibody
  • The science of bee keeping cultivation and maintenance of bee-hives. – Apiculture 
  • One who cannot be corrected or reformed. – Incorrigible
  • To mitigate or lessen the suffering or pain. – Alleviate ( सांत्वना देना )
  • A positive and emphatic advancement of change or statement against a person. – Allegation (झूठी प्रतिज्ञा)
  • One who has regard for others as the basic principle of his actions. – Altruistic (परोपकारी)
  • A person guilty of setting fire to the property. – Arsonist (सम्पति जलाने वाला)
  • Sensitiveness to the action of a particular food. – Allergy (भोजन या दवा से प्रभावित)
  • To make better, to improve or to lift to a better place.   Ameliorate (सुधार करना)
  • By which human form and personality is attributed to God. – Anthropomorphism

A List Of Book One Word Substitution

  • An official agreement to a proposal. – Assent
  • Quick to judge and understand. – Perspicacious
  • One who can neither read nor write. – Illiterate
  • Put under the surface of water. – Submerge
  • Put off for a future time. – Postpone/ Procrastinate
  • Put into the form of a code.  – Codify 
  • Pull out of usual shape. – Distort (तोडना)
  • Public merry making and feasting. – Carnival (मनोरंजन मेला)
  • One who cannot be corrected. – Incorrigible
  • Place of good climate for invalids. – Asylum  (आश्रम)
  • Property left to someone by a will. – Legacy
  • Property inherited from one’s father. – Patrimony
  • Producing a lot of books or other things. – Prolific
  • Imaginary ailments (disease). – Hypochondria (काल्पनिक बीमारी)
  • Hater more than one meaning. – Ambiguous/ Equivocal
  • Habit of independent thought. – Individualism
  • Prevention of loss, waste, damage. – Conservation
  • Prevent from being carried out. – Circumvent (लागू न होने देना)
  • Pretence of having a virtuous character. – Hypocricy (आडम्बर)
  • Present form or before birth. – Congenital (जन्म जात)
  • Marriage of God. – Theogamy
  • Lover of dogs. –  Canophilist
  • Loss of memory. – Amnesia
  • A group of talkative girls/ women.- Gaggle 
  • Guided by one’s sense of duty. – Conscientious (कर्तव्यनिष्ट) 
  • Gust of wind. – Draught (हवा का झोंका)
  • Handwriting that can be easily read. – Legible
  • Happening at the sametime. – Contemporary
  • Government run by a dictator. – Dictatorship
  • An official counting of the population. – Census
  • Government by intelligentsia. – Meritocracy
  • A garland of flowers. – Wreath  (माला)
  • That can be expressed in words. – Expressible
  • Government by elected representatives. – Democracy
  • Give tit for tat. – Retaliate (प्रतिशोध लेना)
  • Government by divine laws. -Theocracy
  • Government by a king/ queen. – Monarchy
  • Government by a few people. – Oligarchy
  • That can live without outside help. – Viable  (जीने में योग्य)
  • Hater of books. – Misobiblic
  • Hater of learning. – Misologist 
  • Hater of marriage. – Misogamist
  • Capable of being reached.  Accessible
  • A book of a sacred/ religious nature.  Scripture
  • Offering made to God. – Oblation
  • A body of delegates. – Delegacy (प्रतिनिधि मण्डल)
  • Gathering of all things. – Omnibus
  • Centre of attraction. – Cynosure
  • Call back to the mind. – Recall
  • One who analyses handwriting. – Graphologist
  • One who attacks. –  Assaulter/ Assailant
  • Brief account of a subject. – Summary/ Compendium
  • Break an agreement, law or promise. – Violate
  • Bring under control in war. – Subjugate (अधीन)
  • Bring under control by force. – Capture (कब्ज़ा)
  • Bring back to life. – Revive
  • Departure of many people. – Gratuity
  • Give the right to vote.  – Enfranchise (मताधिकार देना)
  • Greedy for money. –  Repacious
  • General instructions. – Directive
  • Future generation. – Posterity
  • Free from punishment. – Impunity
  • Form opinion in advance. –  Preconceive (पूर्व धारणा बनाना)
  • For warning of an impending danger. – Premonition (पूर्व सुचना)
  • Angry at injustice. – Indignant ( रोष )
  • Fit for bad temper or anger. – Tantrum (आवेश)
  • Fear of foreigners. – Xenophobia
  • Fear of one self. – Autophoby
  • Fear of home surroundings. – Ecophobia
  • Fear of dead body. – Necrophobia
  • Fear of animals. –  Zoophobia
  • Fear of height. – Aerophobia
  • Faithful supporter. – Henchman (सेवक)
  • Fail to pay a debt in time. – Default
  • Expert in horse riding. –  Cavalier
  • Existing since old times. – Antique  
  • Existing for ever. – Eternal
  • Amount of money paid to free a prisoner. – Ransom (फिरोती)
  • Refreshment or amusement after hard work. – Recreation
  • Animals with four feet. – Quadruped
  • Any soft drink except water. –  Beverage
  • Art of growing vegetables, fruits, flowers. – Horticulture
  • Art of making fireworks. – Pyrotechnics (आतिशबाजी)
  • Art of map making. –  Cartography
  • Style of speaking well.  –  Elocution
  • Artificial centre for honey bees. – Hive 
  • Assembly of worshippers. – Congregation
  • A building for the display of works of art. – Gallery
  • Distinguishing marks of an office. – Insignia (अधिकार चिन्ह)
  • A bed of a new born baby. – Cradle/ Crib
  • Belief not based on reason or knowledge. – Superstition
  • Bird that comes and goes with seasons. – Migratory
  • Blessing given by a priest. – Benediction
  • Board of directors in a company or organization. – Directorate
  • Books, pictures etc intended to arouse sexual desire. – Erotica
  • An official announcement issued to the press. – Communique
  • Government by elected representatives without a monarch. – Republic
  • One who believes that nothing can be said about God. – Agnostic
  • Process of sewing designs on cloth or other materials. – Embroidery
  • Principle that the war should and could be abolished. – Pacifism
  • Question or problem difficult to answer or understand. – Puzzle/ Riddle/ Enigma
  • To raise a pattern or design on the surface of something. – Emboss
  • Record of events in the order of their happenings. – Chronicle
  • Author’s explanatory remarks at the beginning of a book. – Preface
  • Relation between different aspects of a thing. – Perspective (परिपेक्ष्य)
  • That can be perceived by the senses. – Perceptible  (अनुभवगम्य)
  • Anxious to help somebody. – Solicitous (ध्यान  रखने वाला)
  • Any kind of grain used for food. – Cereal (अनाज)
  • A building where military weapons are prepared or stored. – Arsenal 
  • 240. Approximate calculation of something. – Estimate 
  • A caretaker of a public building. –  Custodian 
  • Attachment to what is natural. – Naturalism (प्रकर्तिवाद)
  • Ceremony of crowning a king. – Coronation (राज्यभिषेक) 
  • Fixed sum of money paid to somebody as income in his life time. – Annuity
  • A building equipped with a powerful telescope for astronomical observations. – Observatory
  • (शास्त्रागार)
  • Government by person of highest social order. AristocracyGovernment by the rich and the powerful class. Plutocracy
  • Public activity which take place in a very elaborate, colourful and expensive way. Extravaganz  (अतिशयी नाटक)

One Word Substitution In Hindi And English

  • Being unable to pay one’s debt. – Insolvent
  • The study of the functions of the body. – Physiology
  • The science of for telling events by stars.- Astrology
  • Government by officials in a state.- Bureaucracy
  • An office without any work but high pay. – Sinecure
  • An admirer of art. – Dilettante
  • A man having the qualities of women. – Effeminate
  • That which cannot be moved. – Immobile
  • The study of insects.- Entomology
  • Word for word. – Verbatim
  • Wish to do good to others. – Benevolence
  • Whose meaning is difficult to understand. – Abstruse
  • Way out for water or steam. – Outlet
  • Want of sleep. – Insomnia
  • Usual behaviour of a social group. – Custom (रिवाज)
  • Touch or stroke lovingly. – Fondle
  • A traditional story related to deities. – Myth
  • That which is pig like. – Porcine
  • Thing to be corrected in a printed book. – Corrigendum
  • Things taken by robbers. – Booty
  • That which is lion like. – Leonine
  • That which is fox like. – Vulpine
  • That which is dog like. – Canine
  • That which exists separately from other people. – Independent
  • That which cannot be perceived by touch. – Intangible
  • That which cannot be calculated. – Incalculable
  • That which can be rooted out. – Eradicable (उन्मुलनीय)
  • Study of oceans and their phenomena. – Oceanography
  • Study of law. – Nomology
  • Study of fossils. – Palaentology
  • Study of ancient things like tombs, buried towns. – Archaeology
  • Strong desire for food, wealth. – Greed
  • Strong dislike between two persons. –  Antipathy
  • Stream flowing into another big river. – Tributary
  • Statement that is obviously true. – Platitude (सामान्य उक्ति)
  • That which cannot be put out or extinguished. – Inextinguishable
  • That which cannot be satisfied. – Insatiable
  • That which cannot be erased or removed. – Indelible
  • That which can easily be curved without breaking. – Flexible
  • That which cannot be corrupted. – Incorruptible
  • To escape from hard realities. – Escapism
  • Temple dedicated to all the gods. – Pantheon
  • Talk that brings bad reputation to somebody. – Scandal
  • The study of population. – Demography
  • Spreading by infection. – Infectious
  • Specialist in mental or emotional disturbance. – Psychiatrist (मनोरोग ज्ञाता)
  • Speak in a very low tone. – Whisper
  • Something that is hidden. – Mystery
  • Somebody that foretells the coming of something. – Harbinger (पथ प्रदर्शक)
  • Soldiers on big guns mounted on wheels. – Artillery
  • So deep that the bottom cannot be reached. – Unfathomable
  • Shamelessly rude. – Impudent
  • Serious crime like murder, arson. – Felony
  • Send rays of light or heat. – Radiate
  • Secret place difficult to access. – Recess
  • Secret agreement for a fraudulent purpose. – Collusion (जालसाजी)
  • Search for something. – Quest
  • Search in the dark. – Grope/ Fumble
  • Secret religious meeting. – Conventicle
  • Sea with a group of many islands. – Archipelago
  • A signature on the back of a paper or cheque. – Endorsement
  • Showing contemptuous indifference. – Supercilious (घमंडी)
  • A short summary of a book or speech. – Epitome
  • Showing deep sorrow for wrong doing.- Contrite
  • A short journey for pleasure. – Excursion
  • A short expression of general truth. – Proverb/ Maxim/ Adage
  • Scornful and contemptuous language. – Opprobrium  (अपमानजनक भाषा)
  • Science of weight. – Metrology
  • Science of time. – Horology
  • Science of writing and compiling a dictionary. – Lexicography (शब्द कोष विज्ञान)
  • Science of the physical structure of the body. – Anatomy
  • Science of the constitution of the whole universe. – Cosmography
  • Science of the causes of disease. – Etiology/ Aetiology
  • Science of mankind as an animal. – Anthropology
  • Science of mechanical and industrial arts. – Technology
  • Science of healthy living. – Hygiene (स्वास्थ्य विज्ञानं)
  • Science of inscriptions. – Epigraphy (पुरालेख शास्त्र)
  • Science of human beauty. – Kalology
  • Science of fixing dates. – Chronology
  • Science of crimes and criminals. – Criminology
  • Study of coins. – Numismatics
  • Science of climate. – Climatology
  • Science of blood. – Haematology
  • Science of birds. – Ornithology
  • Science dealing with the proper use of terms. – Terminology
  • Science dealing with heredity. – Genetics
  • Science and technology of metals. – Metallurgy
  • Science and philosophy of human law. – Jurisprudence (विधि  शास्त्र)
  • Science and art of flying in aircraft. – Aviation (विमानन)
  • School for very young children. – Kindergarten
  • Say in advance what is likely to happen. – Forecast/ predict/ Foretell
  • Say aloud from memory. – Recite (सस्वर पाठ याद करना)
  • Saving of property from loss by fire. – Salvage
  • Rules for formal behaviour among people. – Etiquette (शिष्टाचार)
  • Room for washing kitchen utensils. –  Scullery (बर्तन साफ करने की की जगह)
  • Ritual washing of the body. – Ablution (धार्मिक स्थान)
  • Rise or fall in the level of the sea. – Tide (ज्वार भाटा)
  • Right or advantage available to a person. – Privilege (सुविधा)
  • Reward for a work or service. – Remuneration (मेहताना)
  • Return to one’s own country. – Repatriate  (देश को लौटना)
  • Return the same sort of ill treatment. – Retaliate  (बदला  लेना)
  • Reduction in a tax or debt. – Rebate  ( छूट )
  • Religious discourse. – Sermon (उपदेश)
  • Reserved in speech. – Reticent  (अल्पभाषी)
  • Responsible according to law. – Liable  (उतरदायी)
  • Restore to former position. – Rehabilitate (पुनः स्थापित करना)
  • A medicine to counteract the effect of a poison. – Antidote
  • Use of mild words in place of words required by truth. – Euphemism (कोमल वचन)
  • Troops trained for being dropped by parachute. – Paratroops (छतरी सेना)
  • Science and art of preparing and making good food. – Gastronomy
  • Salt water lake separated from the sea by sand banks. – Lagoon
  • A short amusing story about some real person or event. – Anecdote (भाग)
  • The system which is observed to do progress or reform. – Reformism
  • The study of physical physical phenomenon of lakes. – Limnology
  • Signal under martial law for people to remain indoors. – Curfew
  • A small shop that sells fashionable clothes, cosmetics etc. – Boutique
  • Send back a criminal into custody for further investigation. – Remand
  • Science of the habits of living things in relation to their environment. – Ecology
  • Study of the development of plants and animals from earlier forms. – Genealogy
  • Rising in arms against an establishment/ government. – Insurrection/ Rebellion (विद्रोह)
  • Roof supported by columns at the entrance of a building. – Portico/ Porch (द्वारमण्डप)
  • A short saying or poem which express an idea in a very clever and amusing way. – Epigram
  • Science of the races of mankind and their relation to one another. – Ethnology (मानव जाति विज्ञानं)
  • Restore to former position. – Rehabilitate (पुनः स्थापित करना)
  • Resulting in death or ending in disaster.- Fatal (मृत्यु का कारण)
  • Government by officials. – Bureaucracy
  • Reasoning power of the mind. – Intellect
  • Receiving guests warmly. – Hospitality (आतिथ्य सत्कार)
  • Governing body of a university. – Sinate (अधिसभा)

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